Fig.1 - Evaporation of
soil water (Heck et al. (2020))1
Fig.2 - Filter (Schneider et
al. (2023))2
Fig.3 - Brain tissue
(Koch et al. (2020))3
Free Flow:
Interface conditions:
Porous media:
Momentum balance (Navier-Stokes equation) \[ \frac{\partial \left(\rho_g \textbf{v}_g\right)}{\partial t} + \nabla \cdot (\rho_g \textbf{v}_g \textbf{v}_g^T) - \nabla \cdot \mathbf{\tau}_g +\nabla \cdot (p_g\textbf{I})- \rho_g \textbf{g} = 0 \]
Component mass balance \[ \frac{\partial \left(\rho_g X^\kappa_g\right)}{\partial t} + \nabla \cdot \left( \rho_g X^\kappa_g \textbf{v}_g + \mathbf{j}_{\text{diff}}^\kappa\right) - q^\kappa = 0 \]
Darcy velocity (momentum balance) \[ \textbf{v}_\alpha = - \frac{k_{r,\alpha}}{\mu_\alpha} K \left(\nabla p_\alpha - \rho_\alpha \textbf{g}\right) \]
Component mass balance \[ \sum\limits_{\alpha \in \{\text{l, g} \}} \left(\phi \frac{\partial \left(\rho_\alpha S_\alpha X_\alpha^\kappa\right)}{\partial t } + \nabla \cdot \rho_\alpha X_\alpha^\kappa \textbf{v}_\alpha + \nabla \cdot \mathbf{j}_{\text{diff}}^\kappa\right) = 0 \]
Continuity of total mass flux \[ [(\rho_g \textbf{v}_g) \cdot \textbf{n}]^{\text{ff}} = - [(\rho_g \textbf{v}_g + \rho_w \textbf{v}_w) \cdot \textbf{n}]^{\text{pm}} \]
Continuity of component flux \[ \begin{aligned} &\left[(\rho_g X_g^\kappa \textbf{v}_g + \textbf{j}_{\text{diff}^\kappa}) \cdot \textbf{n}\right]^{\text{ff}} = \\&- \left[\left( \sum_{\alpha} (\rho_{\alpha} X_{\alpha}^\kappa \textbf{v}_\alpha + \textbf{j}^\kappa_{\text{diff}, \alpha})\right) \cdot \textbf{n}\right]^{\text{pm}}\, \end{aligned} \]
Momentum condition in normal direction \[ \left[((\rho_g \textbf{v}_g \textbf{v}_g^T - \mathbf{\tau}_g + p_g\textbf{I}) \textbf{n} )\right]^{\text{ff}} = \left[(p_g\textbf{I})\textbf{n}\right]^{\text{pm}}\, \]
Momentum condition in tangential direction \[ \begin{aligned} \left[\left(- \textbf{v}_g - \frac{\sqrt{(\textbf{K}\textbf{t}_i)\cdot \textbf{t}_i}}{\alpha_{\mathrm{BJ}}} (\nabla \textbf{v}_g + \nabla \textbf{v}_g^T)\textbf{n} \right) \cdot \textbf{t}_i \right]^{\text{ff}} = 0\, , \\ \quad i \in \{1, .. ,\, d-1\}\, \end{aligned} \]
Tab1: Input parameter
Parameter | Value |
\(\textbf{v}_g^{ff}\) [m/s] | (3.5,0)\(^T\) |
\(p_g^{ff}\) [Pa] | 1e5 |
\(X_g^{w,ff}\) [-] | 0.008 |
\(T^{ff}\) [K] | 298.15 |
\(p_g^{pm}\) [Pa] | 1e5 |
\(S_l^{pm}\) [-] | 0.98 |
\(T^{pm}\) [K] | 298.15 |
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