

Grid implementations I

Implementations of the Dune grid interface

  • YASPGrid (structured, n-dim, parallel tensorproduct grid)
  • UGGrid (2D/3D, unstructured, parallel, multi-geometry)
  • ALUGrid (2D/3D, unstructured, parallel, simplex/cube)
  • FOAMGrid (1D-2D, Dynamic, Multi-dimension/Network Problems)

Grid implementations II

Implementations of the Dune grid interface

  • OPMGrid (Cornerpoint grids)
  • OneDGrid (1D adaptive grid)
  • SPGrid (structured, n-dim, parallel tensorproduct grid)
  • SubGrid (meta-grid, turn subdomain into grid)
  • GeometryGrid (meta-grid, grid by coordinate transformation)

Overview of grid features

Create grid

  • Set grid types via properties specialization:

    #include <dune/grid/yaspgrid.hh>
    template<class TypeTag>
    struct Grid<TypeTag, TTag::Injection2p>{
        using type = Dune::YaspGrid<2>;

    File: dumux-course/exercises/exercise-grids/properties.hh

  • Include the matching grid manager header files in main file and create the grid via a grid manager instance

    #include <dumux/io/grid/gridmanager_yasp.hh>
        using Grid = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Grid>;
        GridManager<Grid> gridManager;

    File: dumux/test/porousmediumflow/2p/incompressible/

Create grid

The grid manager looks for grid information in the runtime parameter tree

Structured Grid

  • Grid from basic parameters

    LowerLeft = 0 0 # x, y entry (3 entries for 3D)
    UpperRight = 1 1
    Cells = 10 5

    File: dumux/test/porousmediumflow/2p/incompressible/params.input

Grid from file

  • Read in grid from file (specified in input-file) using a relative or absolute path to the grid file

    File = ./grids/heterogeneousSmall.dgf

    File: dumux/test/io/gridmanager/test_gridmanager_dgf.input

  • Supported grid file formats

    • DGF (Dune Grid Format)
    • Gmsh (MSH format version 2)
    • Cornerpoint grid format (*.grdecl file, via opm-grid)

Constructing grid without grid manager

Consult the documentation of the grid implementation, e.g. constructing a Dune::YaspGrid:

constexpr int dim = 2;
using Yasp = Dune::YaspGrid<dim, Dune::EquidistantOffsetCoordinates<
  double, dim>>;
std::array<int, dim> cells; cells.fill(30);
Dune::FieldVector<double, dim> lowerLeft(1.1), upperRight(2.2);
Yasp yasp(lowerLeft, upperRight, cells);

File: dumux/test/geometry/

