GCC Code Coverage Report

Directory: ../../../builds/dumux-repositories/
File: /builds/dumux-repositories/dumux/dumux/material/fluidmatrixinteractions/3p/parkervangenuchten.hh
Date: 2024-05-04 19:09:25
Exec Total Coverage
Lines: 210 262 80.2%
Functions: 25 52 48.1%
Branches: 67 140 47.9%

Line Branch Exec Source
1 // -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
2 // vi: set et ts=4 sw=4 sts=4:
3 //
4 // SPDX-FileCopyrightInfo: Copyright © DuMux Project contributors, see AUTHORS.md in root folder
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
6 //
7 /*!
8 * \file
9 * \ingroup Fluidmatrixinteractions
10 * \brief Implementation of van Genuchten's capillary pressure-saturation relation for three phases.
11 */
15 #include <algorithm>
16 #include <dumux/common/optionalscalar.hh>
17 #include <dumux/common/parameters.hh>
18 #include <dumux/common/spline.hh>
19 #include <dumux/material/fluidmatrixinteractions/fluidmatrixinteraction.hh>
20 #include <dumux/material/fluidmatrixinteractions/2p/noregularization.hh>
22 namespace Dumux::FluidMatrix {
24 struct ParkerVanGenuchten3PEffToAbsPolicy
25 {
26 /*!
27 * \brief The parameter type
28 * \tparam Scalar The scalar type
29 * \note The efftoabs policy need two parameters: \f$\mathrm{S_{w,r}}, \mathrm{S_{n,r}}\f$.
30 * For the respective formulas check out the description of the free function.
31 */
32 template<class Scalar>
33 struct Params
34 {
35 17 Params(const Scalar swr = 0.0, const Scalar snr = 0.0, const Scalar sgr = 0.0)
36 17 : swr_(swr), snr_(snr), sgr_(sgr)
37 {}
39 /*!
40 * \brief Return the residual wetting saturation.
41 */
42 Scalar swr() const
43 { return swr_; }
45 /*!
46 * \brief Set the residual wetting saturation.
47 */
48 void setSwr(Scalar v)
49 17 { swr_ = v; }
51 /*!
52 * \brief Return the residual nonwetting saturation.
53 */
54 Scalar snr() const
55 { return snr_; }
57 /*!
58 * \brief Set the residual nonwetting saturation.
59 */
60 void setSnr(Scalar v)
61 17 { snr_ = v; }
62 /*!
64 * \brief Return the residual gas phase saturation.
65 */
66 Scalar sgr() const
67 { return sgr_; }
69 /*!
70 * \brief Set the residual gas phase saturation.
71 */
72 void setSgr(Scalar v)
73 17 { sgr_ = v; }
75 bool operator== (const Params& p) const
76 {
77 return Dune::FloatCmp::eq(swr(), p.swr(), 1e-6)
78 && Dune::FloatCmp::eq(snr(), p.snr(), 1e-6)
79 && Dune::FloatCmp::eq(sgr(), p.sgr(), 1e-6);
80 }
81 private:
82 Scalar swr_;
83 Scalar snr_;
84 Scalar sgr_;
85 };
87 /*!
88 * \brief Construct from a subgroup from the global parameter tree
89 * \note This will give you nice error messages if a mandatory parameter is missing
90 */
91 template<class Scalar>
92 17 static Params<Scalar> makeParams(const std::string& paramGroup)
93 {
94 34 Params<Scalar> params;
95 17 params.setSwr(getParamFromGroup<Scalar>(paramGroup, "Swr", 0.0));
96 17 params.setSnr(getParamFromGroup<Scalar>(paramGroup, "Snr", 0.0));
97 17 params.setSgr(getParamFromGroup<Scalar>(paramGroup, "Sgr", 0.0));
98 17 return params;
99 }
101 /*!
102 * \brief Convert an absolute wetting saturation to an effective one.
103 *
104 * \param sw Absolute saturation of the wetting phase \f$\mathrm{[{S}_w]}\f$.
105 * \param params A container object that is populated with the appropriate coefficients for the respective law.
106 * Therefore, in the (problem specific) spatialParameters first, the material law is chosen,
107 * and then the params container is constructed accordingly. Afterwards the values are set there, too.
108 * \return Effective saturation of the wetting phase.
109 */
110 template<class Scalar>
111 static Scalar swToSwe(const Scalar sw, const Params<Scalar>& params)
112 {
113 18992205 return (sw - params.swr())/(1.0 - params.swr()); // TODO other residual saturations?
114 }
116 /*!
117 * \brief Convert an effective wetting saturation to an absolute one.
118 *
119 * \param swe Effective saturation of the nonwetting phase \f$\mathrm{[\overline{S}_n]}\f$.
120 * \param params A container object that is populated with the appropriate coefficients for the respective law.
121 * Therefore, in the (problem specific) spatialParameters first, the material law is chosen,
122 * and then the params container is constructed accordingly. Afterwards the values are set there, too.
123 * \return Absolute saturation of the nonwetting phase.
124 */
125 template<class Scalar>
126 static Scalar sweToSw(const Scalar swe, const Params<Scalar>& params)
127 {
128 34 return swe*(1.0 - params.swr()) + params.swr(); // TODO other residual saturations?
129 }
131 /*!
132 * \brief Derivative of the effective saturation w.r.t. the absolute saturation.
133 *
134 * \param params A container object that is populated with the appropriate coefficients for the respective law.
135 * Therefore, in the (problem specific) spatialParameters first, the material law is chosen,
136 * and then the params container is constructed accordingly. Afterwards the values are set there, too.
137 * \return Derivative of the effective saturation w.r.t. the absolute saturation.
138 */
139 template<class Scalar>
140 static Scalar dswe_dsw(const Params<Scalar>& params)
141 {
142 68 return 1.0/(1.0 - params.swr()); // TODO other residual saturations?
143 }
145 /*!
146 * \brief Derivative of the absolute saturation w.r.t. the effective saturation.
147 *
148 * \param params A container object that is populated with the appropriate coefficients for the respective law.
149 * Therefore, in the (problem specific) spatialParameters first, the material law is chosen,
150 * and then the params container is constructed accordingly. Afterwards the values are set there, too.
151 * \return Derivative of the absolute saturation w.r.t. the effective saturation.
152 */
153 template<class Scalar>
154 static Scalar dsw_dswe(const Params<Scalar>& params)
155 {
156 17 return 1.0 - params.swr(); // TODO other residual saturations?
157 }
159 /*!
160 * \brief Convert an absolute nonwetting saturation to an effective one.
161 *
162 * \param sn Absolute saturation of the nonwetting phase \f$\mathrm{[{S}_n]}\f$.
163 * \param params A container object that is populated with the appropriate coefficients for the respective law.
164 * Therefore, in the (problem specific) spatialParameters first, the material law is chosen,
165 * and then the params container is constructed accordingly. Afterwards the values are set there, too.
166 * \return Effective saturation of the nonwetting phase.
167 */
168 template<class Scalar>
169 static Scalar snToSne(const Scalar sn, const Params<Scalar>& params)
170 {
171 return sn; // sne equals sn // TODO other residual saturations?
172 }
174 /*!
175 * \brief Convert an absolute total liquid saturation to an effective one.
176 *
177 * \param st Absolute saturation of the total liquid phase (sw+sn) \f$\mathrm{[{S}_n]}\f$.
178 * \param params A container object that is populated with the appropriate coefficients for the respective law.
179 * Therefore, in the (problem specific) spatialParameters first, the material law is chosen,
180 * and then the params container is constructed accordingly. Afterwards the values are set there, too.
181 * \return Effective saturation of the nonwetting phase.
182 */
183 template<class Scalar>
184 static Scalar stToSte(const Scalar st, const Params<Scalar>& params)
185 {
186 18994016 return (st-params.swr()) / (1-params.swr()); // TODO other residual saturations?
187 }
189 /*!
190 * \brief Convert an effective wetting saturation to an absolute one.
191 *
192 * \param ste Effective total liquid (wetting + nonwetting) saturation
193 * \param params A container object that is populated with the appropriate coefficients for the respective law.
194 * Therefore, in the (problem specific) spatialParameters first, the material law is chosen,
195 * and then the params container is constructed accordingly. Afterwards the values are set there, too.
196 * \return Absolute saturation of the nonwetting phase.
197 */
198 template<class Scalar>
199 static Scalar steToSt(const Scalar ste, const Params<Scalar>& params)
200 {
201 return ste*(1.0 - params.swr()) + params.swr(); // TODO other residual saturations?
202 }
204 /*!
205 * \brief Derivative of the effective saturation w.r.t. the absolute saturation.
206 *
207 * \param params A container object that is populated with the appropriate coefficients for the respective law.
208 * Therefore, in the (problem specific) spatialParameters first, the material law is chosen,
209 * and then the params container is constructed accordingly. Afterwards the values are set there, too.
210 * \return Derivative of the effective saturation w.r.t. the absolute saturation.
211 */
212 template<class Scalar>
213 static Scalar dste_dst(const Params<Scalar>& params)
214 {
215 34 return 1.0/(1.0 - params.swr() /*- params.snr() - params.sgr()*/); // TODO other residual saturations?
216 }
218 /*!
219 * \brief Derivative of the absolute saturation w.r.t. the effective saturation.
220 *
221 * \param params A container object that is populated with the appropriate coefficients for the respective law.
222 * Therefore, in the (problem specific) spatialParameters first, the material law is chosen,
223 * and then the params container is constructed accordingly. Afterwards the values are set there, too.
224 * \return Derivative of the absolute saturation w.r.t. the effective saturation.
225 */
226 template<class Scalar>
227 static Scalar dst_dste(const Params<Scalar>& params)
228 {
229 17 return 1.0 - params.swr(); // TODO other residual saturations?
230 }
231 };
233 /*!
234 * \ingroup Fluidmatrixinteractions
235 * \brief Implementation of Parker/vanGenuchten's capillary pressure <->
236 * saturation relation for three phases. This class bundles the "raw" curves
237 * as static members and doesn't concern itself converting
238 * absolute to effective saturations and vince versa.
239 */
240 class ParkerVanGenuchten3P
241 {
243 public:
244 /*!
245 * \brief The parameter type
246 * \tparam Scalar The scalar type
247 * \note The Parker/vanGenuchten laws are parameterized with four parameters: \f$\mathrm{n, m, \alpha, l}\f$.
248 *
249 * - \f$\mathrm{\alpha}\f$ shape parameter \f$\mathrm{[1/Pa]}\f$
250 * - \f$\mathrm{n}\f$ shape parameter \f$\mathrm{[-]}\f$
251 * - \f$\mathrm{swr}\f$ wetting phase residual saturation \f$\mathrm{[-]}\f$
252 * - \f$\mathrm{swr}\f$ nonwetting phase residual saturation \f$\mathrm{[-]}\f$
253 * - \f$\mathrm{betaNw}\f$ scaling parameter \f$\mathrm{[-]}\f$
254 * - \f$\mathrm{betaGn}\f$ scaling parameter \f$\mathrm{[-]}\f$
255 * - \f$\mathrm{betaGw}\f$ scaling parameter \f$\mathrm{[-]}\f$
256 * - \f$\mathrm{regardSnr}\f$ determines whether snr is considered for krn or not
257 */
258 template<class Scalar>
259 struct Params
260 {
261 17 Params(Scalar alpha, Scalar n, Scalar swr = 0.0, Scalar snr = 0.0,
262 Scalar betaNw = 1.0, Scalar betaGn = 1.0, Scalar betaGw = 1.0, bool regardSnr = false)
263 17 : alpha_(alpha), n_(n), m_(1.0 - 1.0/n), swr_(swr), snr_(snr)
264 34 , betaNw_(betaNw), betaGn_(betaGn), betaGw_(betaGw), regardSnr_(regardSnr)
265 {}
267 Scalar alpha() const { return alpha_; }
268 void setAlpha(Scalar alpha) { alpha_ = alpha; }
270 Scalar m() const { return m_; }
271 void setM(Scalar m) { m_ = m; n_ = 1.0/(1.0 - m); }
273 Scalar n() const{ return n_; }
274 void setN(Scalar n){ n_ = n; m_ = 1.0 - 1.0/n; }
276 Scalar swr() const { return swr_; }
277 void setSwr(Scalar swr) { swr_ = swr; }
279 Scalar snr() const { return snr_; }
280 void setSnr(Scalar swr) { snr_ = swr; }
282 Scalar betaNw() const { return betaNw_; }
283 void setBetaNw(Scalar betaNw) { betaNw_ = betaNw; }
285 Scalar betaGn() const { return betaGn_; }
286 void setBetaGn(Scalar betaGn) { betaGn_ = betaGn; }
288 Scalar betaGw() const { return betaGw_; }
289 void setBetaGw(Scalar betaGw) { betaGw_ = betaGw; }
291 bool regardSnrForKrn() const { return regardSnr_; }
292 void setRegardSnrForKrn(bool v) {regardSnr_ = v; }
294 bool operator== (const Params& p) const
295 {
296 return Dune::FloatCmp::eq(alpha_, p.alpha_, 1e-6)
297 && Dune::FloatCmp::eq(n_, p.n_, 1e-6)
298 && Dune::FloatCmp::eq(m_, p.m_, 1e-6)
299 && Dune::FloatCmp::eq(swr_, p.swr_, 1e-6)
300 && Dune::FloatCmp::eq(snr_, p.snr_, 1e-6)
301 && Dune::FloatCmp::eq(betaNw_, p.betaNw_, 1e-6)
302 && Dune::FloatCmp::eq(betaGn_, p.betaGn_, 1e-6)
303 && Dune::FloatCmp::eq(betaGw_, p.betaGw_, 1e-6)
304 && regardSnr_ == p.regardSnr_;
305 }
307 private:
308 Scalar alpha_, n_, m_, swr_, snr_, betaNw_, betaGn_, betaGw_;
309 bool regardSnr_;
310 };
312 /*!
313 * \brief Construct from a subgroup from the global parameter tree
314 * \note This will give you nice error messages if a mandatory parameter is missing
315 */
316 template<class Scalar = double>
317 17 static Params<Scalar> makeParams(const std::string& paramGroup)
318 {
319 17 const auto n = getParamFromGroup<Scalar>(paramGroup, "ParkerVanGenuchtenN");
320 17 const auto alpha = getParamFromGroup<Scalar>(paramGroup, "ParkerVanGenuchtenAlpha");
321 17 const auto swr = getParamFromGroup<Scalar>(paramGroup, "Swr", 0.0);
322 17 const auto snr = getParamFromGroup<Scalar>(paramGroup, "Snr", 0.0);
323 17 const auto betaNw = getParamFromGroup<Scalar>(paramGroup, "ParkerVanGenuchtenBetaNw", 1.0);
324 17 const auto betaGn = getParamFromGroup<Scalar>(paramGroup, "ParkerVanGenuchtenBetaGn", 1.0);
325 17 const auto betaGw = getParamFromGroup<Scalar>(paramGroup, "ParkerVanGenuchtenBetaGw", 1.0);
326 17 const auto regardSnr = getParamFromGroup<bool>(paramGroup, "ParkerVanGenuchtenRegardSnrForKrn", false);
327 return Params<Scalar>(alpha, n, swr, snr,
328 34 betaNw, betaGn, betaGw, regardSnr );
329 }
331 /*!
332 * \brief The capillary pressure-saturation curve for the gas and wetting phase
333 * \param params Array of parameters
334 * \param swe Effective wetting phase saturation
335 */
336 template<class Scalar>
337 4256623 static Scalar pcgw(Scalar swe, const Params<Scalar>& params)
338 {
✓ Branch 0 taken 4256623 times.
✗ Branch 1 not taken.
✗ Branch 2 not taken.
✓ Branch 3 taken 4256623 times.
4256623 assert(0 <= swe && swe <= 1);
340 4256623 return pc_(swe, params);
341 }
343 /*!
344 * \brief The capillary pressure-saturation curve for the non-wettigng and wetting phase
345 * \param params Array of parameters
346 * \param swe Effective wetting phase saturation
347 */
348 template<class Scalar>
349 4248444 static Scalar pcnw(Scalar swe, const Params<Scalar>& params)
350 {
✓ Branch 0 taken 4248444 times.
✗ Branch 1 not taken.
✗ Branch 2 not taken.
✓ Branch 3 taken 4248444 times.
4248444 assert(0 <= swe && swe <= 1);
352 4248444 return pc_(swe, params)/params.betaNw();
353 }
355 /*!
356 * \brief The capillary pressure-saturation curve for the gas and nonwetting phase
357 * \param params Array of parameters
358 * \param ste Effective total liquid (wetting + nonwetting) saturation
359 */
360 template<class Scalar>
361 1332557 static Scalar pcgn(const Scalar ste, const Params<Scalar>& params)
362 {
✓ Branch 0 taken 1332557 times.
✗ Branch 1 not taken.
✗ Branch 2 not taken.
✓ Branch 3 taken 1332557 times.
1332557 assert(0 <= ste && ste <= 1);
364 1332557 return pc_(ste, params)/params.betaGn();
365 }
367 /*!
368 * \brief This function ensures a continuous transition from 2 to 3 phases and vice versa
369 * \param params Array of parameters
370 * \param sne Non-wetting liquid saturation
371 */
372 template<class Scalar>
373 static Scalar pcAlpha(Scalar sne, const Params<Scalar>& params)
374 {
375 /* regularization */
376 9494993 if (sne <= 0.001)
377 4607687 sne = 0.0;
✗ Branch 0 not taken.
✗ Branch 1 not taken.
✗ Branch 2 not taken.
✗ Branch 3 not taken.
✗ Branch 4 not taken.
✓ Branch 5 taken 9494993 times.
9494993 if (sne >= 1.0)
379 sne = 1.0;
✗ Branch 0 not taken.
✗ Branch 1 not taken.
✗ Branch 2 not taken.
✗ Branch 3 not taken.
✓ Branch 4 taken 4773277 times.
✓ Branch 5 taken 4721716 times.
9494993 if (sne > params.snr())
382 return 1.0;
383 else
384 {
✗ Branch 0 not taken.
✗ Branch 1 not taken.
✗ Branch 2 not taken.
✗ Branch 3 not taken.
✓ Branch 4 taken 4773277 times.
✗ Branch 5 not taken.
4773277 if (params.snr() >= 0.001)
386 4773277 return sne/params.snr();
387 else
388 return 0.0;
389 };
390 }
392 /*!
393 * \brief Returns the partial derivative of the capillary
394 * pressure to the effective saturation.
395 * \param swe Effective wetting phase saturation
396 * \param params Array of parameters
397 */
398 template<class Scalar>
399 34 static Scalar dpcgw_dswe(const Scalar swe, const Params<Scalar>& params)
400 {
401 using std::pow;
402 34 const Scalar powSeRegu = pow(swe, -1/params.m());
403 34 return - 1.0/params.alpha() * pow(powSeRegu - 1, 1.0/params.n() - 1)/params.n()
404 34 * powSeRegu/swe/params.m()/params.betaGw();
405 }
407 /*!
408 * \brief Returns the partial derivative of the capillary
409 * pressure to the effective saturation.
410 * \param swe Effective wetting phase saturation
411 * \param params Array of parameters
412 */
413 template<class Scalar>
414 34 static Scalar dpcnw_dswe(const Scalar swe, const Params<Scalar>& params)
415 {
416 using std::pow;
417 34 const Scalar powSeRegu = pow(swe, -1/params.m());
418 34 return - 1.0/params.alpha() * pow(powSeRegu - 1, 1.0/params.n() - 1)/params.n()
419 34 * powSeRegu/swe/params.m()/params.betaNw();
420 }
422 /*!
423 * \brief Returns the partial derivative of the capillary
424 * pressure to the effective saturation.
425 * \param ste Effective total liquid (wetting + nonwetting) saturation
426 * \param params Array of parameters
427 */
428 template<class Scalar>
429 34 static Scalar dpcgn_dste(const Scalar ste, const Params<Scalar>& params)
430 {
431 using std::pow;
432 34 const Scalar powSeRegu = pow(ste, -1/params.m());
433 34 return - 1.0/params.alpha() * pow(powSeRegu - 1, 1.0/params.n() - 1)/params.n()
434 34 * powSeRegu/ste/params.m()/params.betaGn();
435 }
437 /*!
438 * \brief The relative permeability for the wetting phase of
439 * the medium implied by van Genuchten's
440 * parameterization.
441 *
442 * The permeability of water in a 3p system equals the standard 2p description.
443 * (see p61. in "Comparison of the Three-Phase Oil Relative Permeability Models"
444 * MOJDEH DELSHAD and GARY A. POPE, Transport in Porous Media 4 (1989), 59-83.) \cite delshad1989 <BR>
445 *
446 * \param swe Effective wetting phase saturation
447 * \param params Array of parameters.
448 */
449 template<class Scalar>
450 5582914 static Scalar krw(const Scalar swe, const Params<Scalar>& params)
451 {
452 using std::pow;
453 using std::sqrt;
454 5582914 const Scalar r = 1.0 - pow(1 - pow(swe, 1/params.m()), params.m());
455 5582914 return sqrt(swe)*r*r;
456 }
458 /*!
459 * \brief The relative permeability for the nonwetting phase
460 * after the Model of Parker et al. (1987).
461 *
462 * See model 7 in "Comparison of the Three-Phase Oil Relative Permeability Models"
463 * MOJDEH DELSHAD and GARY A. POPE, Transport in Porous Media 4 (1989), 59-83 \cite delshad1989 <BR>
464 * or more comprehensive in
465 * "Estimation of primary drainage three-phase relative permeability for organic
466 * liquid transport in the vadose zone", Leonardo I. Oliveira, Avery H. Demond,
467 * Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 66 (2003), 261-285 \cite oliveira2003 <BR>
468 *
469 *
470 * \param params Array of parameters.
471 * \param swe Effective wetting phase saturation
472 * \param sn Absolute nonwetting liquid saturation
473 * \param ste Effective total liquid (wetting + nonwetting) saturation
474 */
475 template<class Scalar>
476 5445755 static Scalar krn(const Scalar swe, const Scalar sn, const Scalar ste, const Params<Scalar>& params)
477 {
478 Scalar krn;
479 using std::pow;
480 5445755 krn = pow(1 - pow(swe, 1/params.m()), params.m());
481 5445755 krn -= pow(1 - pow(ste, 1/params.m()), params.m());
482 5445755 krn *= krn;
484 using std::clamp;
485 using std::sqrt;
✓ Branch 0 taken 1543969 times.
✓ Branch 1 taken 3901786 times.
5445755 if (params.regardSnrForKrn())
487 {
488 // regard Snr in the permeability of the n-phase, see Helmig1997
✓ Branch 0 taken 787493 times.
✓ Branch 1 taken 756476 times.
1543969 const Scalar resIncluded = clamp(sn - params.snr()/ (1-params.swr()), 0.0, 1.0);
490 1543969 krn *= sqrt(resIncluded);
491 }
492 else
493 3901786 krn *= sqrt(sn / (1 - params.swr())); // Hint: (ste - swe) = sn / (1-Swr)
495 5445755 return krn;
496 }
498 /*!
499 * \brief The relative permeability for the nonwetting phase
500 * of the medium implied by van Genuchten's
501 * parameterization.
502 *
503 * The permeability of gas in a 3p system equals the standard 2p description.
504 * (see p61. in "Comparison of the Three-Phase Oil Relative Permeability Models"
505 * MOJDEH DELSHAD and GARY A. POPE, Transport in Porous Media 4 (1989), 59-83.) \cite delshad1989 <BR>
506 *
507 * \param params Array of parameters.
508 * \param ste Effective total liquid (wetting + nonwetting) saturation
509 */
510 template<class Scalar>
511 1433733 static Scalar krg(const Scalar ste, const Params<Scalar>& params)
512 {
✓ Branch 0 taken 1433733 times.
✗ Branch 1 not taken.
✗ Branch 2 not taken.
✓ Branch 3 taken 1433733 times.
1433733 assert(0 <= ste && ste <= 1);
514 using std::cbrt;
515 using std::pow;
516 1433733 return cbrt(1 - ste) * pow(1 - pow(ste, 1/params.m()), 2*params.m());
517 }
519 /*!
520 * \brief The derivative of the relative permeability for the
521 * gas phase in regard to the total liquid saturation of
522 * the medium as implied by the van Genuchten
523 * parameterization.
524 *
525 * \param ste The mobile total liquid saturation.
526 * \param params A container object that is populated with the appropriate coefficients for the respective law.
527 */
528 template<class Scalar>
529 17 static Scalar dkrg_dste(const Scalar ste, const Params<Scalar>& params)
530 {
✓ Branch 0 taken 17 times.
✗ Branch 1 not taken.
✗ Branch 2 not taken.
✓ Branch 3 taken 17 times.
17 assert(0 < ste && ste <= 1);
533 using std::pow;
534 17 const Scalar x = pow(ste, 1.0/params.m());
535 return
536 17 -pow(1.0 - x, 2*params.m())
537 17 *pow(1.0 - ste, -2.0/3)
538 17 *(1.0/3 + 2*x/ste);
539 }
541 /*!
542 * \brief The relative permeability for a phase.
543 * \param params Array of parameters.
544 * \param phaseIdx Indicator, The saturation of all phases.
545 * \param swe Effective wetting phase saturation
546 * \param sne Effective nonwetting saturation
547 */
548 template<class Scalar>
549 static Scalar kr(const int phaseIdx, const Scalar swe, const Scalar sne, const Params<Scalar>& params)
550 {
551 switch (phaseIdx)
552 {
553 case 0:
554 return krw(params, swe, sne);
555 case 1:
556 return krn(params, swe, sne);
557 case 2:
558 return krg(params, swe, sne);
559 }
560 DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException,
561 "Invalid phase index ");
562 }
564 private:
566 /*!
567 * \brief The standard van Genuchten two-phase pc-S relation either with respect to
568 * the effective wetting phase saturation Swe or the effective total liquid saturation Ste.
569 * \param se Effective wetting phase or total liquid saturation
570 * \param params Array of parameters.
571 */
572 template<class Scalar>
573 9837624 const static Scalar pc_(const Scalar se, const Params<Scalar>& params)
574 {
575 using std::pow;
576 9837624 return pow(pow(se, -1/params.m()) - 1, 1/params.n())/params.alpha();
577 }
579 };
581 /*!
582 * \ingroup Fluidmatrixinteractions
583 * \brief A regularization for the ParkerVanGenuchten3PRegularization material law
584 * \note Regularization can be turned of by setting the threshold parameters
585 * out of range (runtime) or by replacing
586 * this class by NoRegularization (compile time).
587 */
588 template <class Scalar>
589 68 class ParkerVanGenuchten3PRegularization
590 {
591 using BaseLawParams = typename ParkerVanGenuchten3P::Params<Scalar>;
593 public:
594 //! Regularization parameters
595 template<class S>
596 struct Params
597 {
598 /*!
599 * \brief Set the threshold saturation below which the capillary pressure is regularized.
600 *
601 * Most problems are very sensitive to this value (e.g. making it smaller might
602 * result in very high capillary pressures)
603 */
604 void setPcLowSwe(Scalar pcLowSwe)
605 { pcLowSwe_ = pcLowSwe; }
607 /*!
608 * \brief Threshold saturation below which the capillary pressure is regularized.
609 */
610 Scalar pcLowSwe() const
611 { return pcLowSwe_; }
613 /*!
614 * \brief Set the threshold saturation above which the capillary pressure is regularized.
615 */
616 void setPcHighSwe(Scalar pcHighSwe)
617 { pcHighSwe_ = pcHighSwe; }
619 /*!
620 * \brief Threshold saturation above which the capillary pressure is regularized.
621 *
622 * Most problems are very sensitive to this value (e.g. making it smaller might
623 * result in negative capillary pressures).
624 */
625 Scalar pcHighSwe() const
626 { return pcHighSwe_; }
628 /*!
629 * \brief Set the threshold saturation below which the relative
630 * permeability of the nonwetting phase gets regularized.
631 */
632 void setKrnLowSwe(Scalar krnLowSwe)
633 { krnLowSwe_ = krnLowSwe; }
635 /*!
636 * \brief Threshold saturation below which the relative
637 * permeability of the nonwetting phase gets regularized.
638 */
639 Scalar krnLowSwe() const
640 { return krnLowSwe_; }
642 /*!
643 * \brief Set the threshold saturation below which the relative
644 * permeability of the nonwetting phase gets regularized.
645 */
646 void setKrgLowSte(Scalar krgLowSte)
647 { krgLowSte_ = krgLowSte; }
649 /*!
650 * \brief Threshold saturation below which the relative
651 * permeability of the nonwetting phase gets regularized.
652 */
653 Scalar krgLowSte() const
654 { return krgLowSte_; }
656 /*!
657 * \brief Set the threshold saturation above which the relative
658 * permeability of the wetting phase gets regularized.
659 */
660 void setKrwHighSwe(Scalar krwHighSwe)
661 { krwHighSwe_ = krwHighSwe; }
663 /*!
664 * \brief Threshold saturation above which the relative
665 * permeability of the wetting phase gets regularized.
666 */
667 Scalar krwHighSwe() const
668 { return krwHighSwe_; }
671 /*!
672 * \brief Choose whether to use a constant value for regularization of the
673 * pc-S curves or not
674 * \param input True or false
675 */
676 void setConstRegularization(const bool input)
677 { constRegularization_ = input; }
679 /*!
680 * \brief Returns whether to use a constant value for regularization of the
681 * pc-S curves or not
682 */
683 bool constRegularization() const
684 { return constRegularization_; }
686 private:
687 S pcLowSwe_ = 0.01;
688 S pcHighSwe_ = 0.99;
689 S krnLowSwe_ = 0.1;
690 S krwHighSwe_ = 0.9;
691 S krgLowSte_ = 1e-3;
692 bool constRegularization_ = false;
693 };
695 //! Initialize the spline
696 template<class MaterialLaw>
697 17 void init(const MaterialLaw* m, const std::string& paramGroup)
698 {
699 17 pcLowSwe_ = getParamFromGroup<Scalar>(paramGroup, "ParkerVanGenuchtenPcLowSweThreshold", 0.01);
700 17 pcHighSwe_ = getParamFromGroup<Scalar>(paramGroup, "ParkerVanGenuchtenPcHighSweThreshold", 0.99);
701 17 krwHighSwe_ = getParamFromGroup<Scalar>(paramGroup, "ParkerVanGenuchtenKrwHighSweThreshold", 0.9);
702 17 krnLowSwe_ = getParamFromGroup<Scalar>(paramGroup, "ParkerVanGenuchtenKrnLowSweThreshold", 0.1);
703 17 krgLowSte_ = getParamFromGroup<Scalar>(paramGroup, "ParkerVanGenuchtenKrgLowSteThreshold", 1e-3);
704 17 constRegularization_ = getParamFromGroup<bool>(paramGroup, "VanGenuchtenConstantRegularization", false);
706 17 initPcParameters_(m, pcLowSwe_, pcHighSwe_);
707 17 initKrParameters_(m, krnLowSwe_, krwHighSwe_);
708 17 }
710 template<class MaterialLaw, class BaseParams, class EffToAbsParams>
711 void init(const MaterialLaw* m, const BaseParams& bp, const EffToAbsParams& etap, const Params<Scalar>& p)
712 {
713 pcLowSwe_ = p.pcLowSwe();
714 pcHighSwe_ = p.pcHighSwe();
715 krwHighSwe_ = p.krwHighSwe();
716 krnLowSwe_ = p.krnLowSwe();
717 krgLowSte_ = p.krgLowSte();
718 constRegularization_ = p.constRegularization();
720 initPcParameters_(m, pcLowSwe_, pcHighSwe_);
721 initKrParameters_(m, krnLowSwe_, krwHighSwe_);
722 }
724 /*!
725 * \brief Equality comparison with another instance
726 */
727 bool operator== (const ParkerVanGenuchten3PRegularization& o) const
728 {
729 return Dune::FloatCmp::eq(pcLowSwe_, o.pcLowSwe_, 1e-6)
730 && Dune::FloatCmp::eq(pcHighSwe_, o.pcHighSwe_, 1e-6)
731 && Dune::FloatCmp::eq(krwHighSwe_, o.krwHighSwe_, 1e-6)
732 && Dune::FloatCmp::eq(krnLowSwe_, o.krnLowSwe_, 1e-6)
733 && constRegularization_ == o.constRegularization_;
734 }
736 /*!
737 * \brief The regularized capillary pressure-saturation curve for the gas and wetting phase
738 * regularized part:
739 * - low saturation: extend the \f$\mathrm{p_{cgw}(S_{we})}\f$ curve with the slope at the regularization point (i.e. no kink).
740 * - high saturation: connect the high regularization point with
741 * with a spline and continue linearly for \f$\mathrm{S_{we} > 1}\f$
742 * \param swe Effective wetting phase saturation
743 */
744 9523513 OptionalScalar<Scalar> pcgw(Scalar swe) const
745 {
746 // if specified, a constant value is used for regularization
747 using std::clamp;
✗ Branch 0 not taken.
✓ Branch 1 taken 9523513 times.
9523513 if (constRegularization_)
749 swe = clamp(swe, 0.0, 1.0);
751 // make sure that the capillary pressure observes a derivative
752 // != 0 for 'illegal' saturations. This is favourable for the
753 // newton solver (if the derivative is calculated numerically)
754 // in order to get the saturation moving to the right
755 // direction if it temporarily is in an 'illegal' range.
✓ Branch 0 taken 4556958 times.
✓ Branch 1 taken 4966555 times.
9523513 if (swe < pcLowSwe_)
757 4556958 return pcgwLowSwePcgwValue_ + pcgwDerivativeLowSw_*(swe - pcLowSwe_);
✓ Branch 0 taken 146644 times.
✓ Branch 1 taken 4819911 times.
4966555 else if (swe > 1.0)
760 146644 return pcgwDerivativeHighSweEnd_*(swe - 1.0);
✓ Branch 0 taken 563339 times.
✓ Branch 1 taken 4256572 times.
4819911 else if (swe > pcHighSwe_)
763 563339 return pcgwSpline_.eval(swe);
765 else
766 4256572 return {}; // no regularization
767 }
769 /*!
770 * \brief The regularized capillary pressure-saturation curve for the nonwetting and wetting phase
771 * regularized part:
772 * - low saturation: extend the \f$\mathrm{p_{cnw}(S_{we})}\f$ curve with the slope at the regularization point (i.e. no kink).
773 * - high saturation: connect the high regularization point with
774 * with a spline and continue linearly for \f$\mathrm{S_{we} > 1}\f$
775 * \param swe Effective wetting phase saturation
776 */
777 9494993 OptionalScalar<Scalar> pcnw(Scalar swe) const
778 {
779 // if specified, a constant value is used for regularization
780 using std::clamp;
✗ Branch 0 not taken.
✓ Branch 1 taken 9494993 times.
9494993 if (constRegularization_)
782 swe = clamp(swe, 0.0, 1.0);
784 // make sure that the capillary pressure observes a derivative
785 // != 0 for 'illegal' saturations. This is favourable for the
786 // newton solver (if the derivative is calculated numerically)
787 // in order to get the saturation moving to the right
788 // direction if it temporarily is in an 'illegal' range.
✓ Branch 0 taken 4538178 times.
✓ Branch 1 taken 4956815 times.
9494993 if (swe < pcLowSwe_)
790 4538178 return pcnwLowSwePcnwValue_ + pcnwDerivativeLowSw_*(swe - pcLowSwe_);
✓ Branch 0 taken 146644 times.
✓ Branch 1 taken 4810171 times.
4956815 else if (swe > 1.0)
793 146644 return pcnwDerivativeHighSweEnd_*(swe - 1.0);
✓ Branch 0 taken 561778 times.
✓ Branch 1 taken 4248393 times.
4810171 else if (swe > pcHighSwe_)
796 561778 return pcnwSpline_.eval(swe);
798 else
799 4248393 return {}; // no regularization
800 }
802 /*!
803 * \brief The regularized capillary pressure-saturation curve for the gas and nonwetting phase
804 * regularized part:
805 * - low saturation: extend the \f$\mathrm{p_{cgn}(S_{teff})}\f$ curve with the slope at the regularization point (i.e. no kink).
806 * - high saturation: connect the high regularization point with
807 * with a spline and continue linearly for \f$\mathrm{S_{teff} > 1}\f$
808 * \param ste Effective total liquid (sw + sn) saturation
809 */
810 9494993 OptionalScalar<Scalar> pcgn(Scalar ste) const
811 {
812 // if specified, a constant value is used for regularization
813 using std::clamp;
✗ Branch 0 not taken.
✓ Branch 1 taken 9494993 times.
9494993 if (constRegularization_)
815 ste = clamp(ste, 0.0, 1.0);
818 // make sure that the capillary pressure observes a derivative
819 // != 0 for 'illegal' saturations. This is favourable for the
820 // newton solver (if the derivative is calculated numerically)
821 // in order to get the saturation moving to the right
822 // direction if it temporarily is in an 'illegal' range.
823 9494993 const Scalar pcLowSte = pcLowSwe_;
824 9494993 const Scalar pcHighSte = pcHighSwe_;
✓ Branch 0 taken 3598985 times.
✓ Branch 1 taken 5896008 times.
9494993 if (ste < pcLowSte)
826 3598985 return pcgnLowStePcgnValue_ + pcgnDerivativeLowSt_*(ste - pcLowSte);
✓ Branch 0 taken 708442 times.
✓ Branch 1 taken 5187566 times.
5896008 else if (ste > 1.0)
829 708442 return pcgnDerivativeHighSteEnd_*(ste - 1.0);
✓ Branch 0 taken 3855060 times.
✓ Branch 1 taken 1332506 times.
5187566 else if (ste > pcHighSte)
832 3855060 return pcgnSpline_.eval(ste);
834 else
835 1332506 return {}; // no regularization
836 }
838 /*!
839 * \brief This function ensures a continuous transition from 2 to 3 phases and vice versa
840 * \param sne Effective nonwetting liquid saturation
841 */
842 OptionalScalar<Scalar> pcAlpha(Scalar sne) const
843 {
844 // no regularization
845 9494993 return {};
846 }
848 /*!
849 * \brief The regularized relative permeability for the wetting phase
850 * \param swe Effective wetting phase saturation
851 */
852 OptionalScalar<Scalar> krw(const Scalar swe) const
853 {
854 if (swe < 0.0)
855 return 0.0;
856 else if (swe > 1.0 - std::numeric_limits<Scalar>::epsilon())
857 return 1.0;
858 else
859 return {}; // no regularization
860 }
863 /*!
864 * \brief The regularized relative permeability for the nonwetting phase
865 * \param swe Effective wetting phase saturation
866 * \param sn Nonwetting saturation
867 * \param ste Effective total (wetting + nonwetting) saturation
868 */
869 9496991 OptionalScalar<Scalar> krn(Scalar swe, const Scalar sn, Scalar ste) const
870 {
871 using std::clamp;
✓ Branch 0 taken 5744736 times.
✓ Branch 1 taken 3752255 times.
9496991 swe = clamp(swe, 0.0, 1.0);
✓ Branch 0 taken 6630198 times.
✓ Branch 1 taken 2866793 times.
9496991 ste = clamp(ste, 0.0, 1.0);
✓ Branch 0 taken 4051236 times.
✓ Branch 1 taken 5445755 times.
9496991 if (ste - swe <= 0.0)
876 4051236 return 0.0;
877 else
878 5445755 return ParkerVanGenuchten3P::krn(swe, sn, ste, *baseLawParamsPtr_);
879 }
881 /*!
882 * \brief The regularized relative permeability for the gas phase
883 * \param ste Effective total (wetting + nonwetting) saturation
884 */
885 9496991 OptionalScalar<Scalar> krg(const Scalar ste) const
886 {
887 //return 0 if there is no gas
✓ Branch 0 taken 4563032 times.
✓ Branch 1 taken 4933959 times.
9496991 if (ste > 1.0 - std::numeric_limits<Scalar>::epsilon())
889 4563032 return 0.0;
891 // use linear regularization for very high gas saturations
892 // to avoid a kink in the curve and to maintain a slope for
893 // the Newton solver
✓ Branch 0 taken 3500243 times.
✓ Branch 1 taken 1433716 times.
4933959 if (ste <= krgLowSte_)
895 3500243 return krgLowStkrgValue_ + krgDerivativeLowSt_*(ste - krgLowSte_);
896 else
897 {
898 // For very low gas saturations:
899 // We use a scaling factor that decreases the gas phase permeability quite fast a very low gas phase
900 // saturations, thus making that phase virtually immobile.
901 // This prevents numerical issues related to the degeneration of the gas phase mass balance for the 3p3c model
902 // at very low gas phase saturations.
904 // get the absolute gas phase saturation
905 1433716 const Scalar st = ste*(1 - swr_) + swr_;
906 1433716 const Scalar sg = 1.0 - st;
908 // do not regularize
✓ Branch 0 taken 1117928 times.
✓ Branch 1 taken 315788 times.
1433716 if (sg > 0.1)
910 1117928 return {};
912 // return original curve scaled by factor
913 using std::max;
✓ Branch 0 taken 164768 times.
✓ Branch 1 taken 151020 times.
315788 const Scalar scalFact = max(0.0, (sg - sgr_)/(0.1 - sgr_));
916 315788 return ParkerVanGenuchten3P::krg(ste, *baseLawParamsPtr_) * scalFact;
917 }
918 }
920 /*!
921 * \brief The relative permeability for a phase.
922 * \param phaseIdx Indicator, The saturation of all phases.
923 * \param swe Effective wetting phase saturation
924 * \param sne Effective nonwetting saturation
925 */
926 OptionalScalar<Scalar> kr(const int phaseIdx, const Scalar swe, const Scalar sne) const
927 {
928 switch (phaseIdx)
929 {
930 case 0:
931 return krw(swe, sne);
932 case 1:
933 return krn(swe, sne);
934 case 2:
935 return krg(swe, sne);
936 }
937 DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException,
938 "Invalid phase index ");
939 }
941 private:
942 template<class MaterialLaw>
943 17 void initPcParameters_(const MaterialLaw* m, const Scalar lowSwe, const Scalar highSwe)
944 {
945 51 const auto lowSw = MaterialLaw::EffToAbs::sweToSw(lowSwe, m->effToAbsParams());
946 51 const auto highSw = MaterialLaw::EffToAbs::sweToSw(highSwe, m->effToAbsParams());
947 51 const auto dsw_dswe = MaterialLaw::EffToAbs::dsw_dswe(m->effToAbsParams());
948 51 const auto dst_dste = MaterialLaw::EffToAbs::dst_dste(m->effToAbsParams());
950 34 baseLawParamsPtr_ = &m->basicParams();
952 // pcgw
953 34 pcgwLowSwePcgwValue_ = m->template pcgw<false>(lowSw, 0.0);
954 34 pcgwDerivativeLowSw_ = m->template dpcgw_dsw<false>(lowSw, 0.0)*dsw_dswe;
955 34 pcgwHighSwePcgwValue_ = m->template pcgw<false>(highSw, 0.0);
956 34 pcgwDerivativeHighSweThreshold_ = m->template dpcgw_dsw<false>(highSw, 0.0)*dsw_dswe;
957 34 pcgwDerivativeHighSweEnd_ = 2.0*(0.0 - m->template pcgw<false>(highSw, 0.0))/(1.0 - highSwe);
958 17 pcgwSpline_ = Spline<Scalar>(highSwe, 1.0, // x0, x1
959 pcgwHighSwePcgwValue_, 0, // y0, y1
960 pcgwDerivativeHighSweThreshold_, pcgwDerivativeHighSweEnd_); // m0, m1
962 // pcnw
963 34 pcnwLowSwePcnwValue_ = m->template pcnw<false>(lowSw, 0.0);
964 34 pcnwDerivativeLowSw_ = m->template dpcnw_dsw<false>(lowSw, 0.0)*dsw_dswe;
965 34 pcnwHighSwePcnwValue_ = m->template pcnw<false>(highSw, 0.0);
966 34 pcnwDerivativeHighSweThreshold_ = m->template dpcnw_dsw<false>(highSw, 0.0);
967 34 pcnwDerivativeHighSweEnd_ = 2.0*(0.0 - m->template pcnw<false>(highSw, 0.0))/(1.0 - highSwe);
968 17 pcnwSpline_ = Spline<Scalar>(highSwe, 1.0, // x0, x1
969 pcnwHighSwePcnwValue_, 0, // y0, y1
970 pcnwDerivativeHighSweThreshold_, pcnwDerivativeHighSweEnd_); // m0, m1
972 // pcgn
973 34 pcgnLowStePcgnValue_ = m->template pcgn<false>(lowSw, 0.0);
974 34 pcgnDerivativeLowSt_ = m->template dpcgn_dst<false>(lowSw, 0.0)*dst_dste;
975 34 pcgnHighSwePcgnValue_ = m->template pcgn<false>(highSw, 0.0);
976 34 pcgnDerivativeHighSteThreshold_ = m->template dpcgn_dst<false>(highSw, 0.0);
977 34 pcgnDerivativeHighSteEnd_ = 2.0*(0.0 - m->template pcgn<false>(highSw, 0.0))/(1.0 - highSwe);
978 17 pcgnSpline_ = Spline<Scalar>(highSwe, 1.0, // x0, x1
979 pcgnHighSwePcgnValue_, 0, // y0, y1
980 pcgnDerivativeHighSteThreshold_, pcgnDerivativeHighSteEnd_); // m0, m1
982 17 }
984 template<class MaterialLaw>
985 void initKrParameters_(const MaterialLaw* m, const Scalar lowSwe, const Scalar highSwe)
986 {
987 krgLowStkrgValue_ = ParkerVanGenuchten3P::krg(krgLowSte_, *baseLawParamsPtr_);
988 krgDerivativeLowSt_ = ParkerVanGenuchten3P::dkrg_dste(krgLowSte_, *baseLawParamsPtr_);
990 swr_ = m->effToAbsParams().swr();
991 sgr_ = m->effToAbsParams().sgr();
992 }
994 Scalar krgLowStkrgValue_;
995 Scalar krgDerivativeLowSt_;
997 Scalar pcLowSwe_, pcHighSwe_;
998 Scalar krwHighSwe_, krnLowSwe_, krgLowSte_;
1000 // pcgw
1001 Scalar pcgwLowSwePcgwValue_;
1002 Scalar pcgwHighSwePcgwValue_;
1003 Scalar pcgwDerivativeLowSw_;
1004 Scalar pcgwDerivativeHighSweThreshold_;
1005 Scalar pcgwDerivativeHighSweEnd_;
1007 // pcgn
1008 Scalar pcgnLowStePcgnValue_;
1009 Scalar pcgnHighSwePcgnValue_;
1010 Scalar pcgnDerivativeLowSt_;
1011 Scalar pcgnDerivativeHighSteThreshold_;
1012 Scalar pcgnDerivativeHighSteEnd_;
1014 // pcnw
1015 Scalar pcnwLowSwePcnwValue_;
1016 Scalar pcnwHighSwePcnwValue_;
1017 Scalar pcnwDerivativeLowSw_;
1018 Scalar pcnwDerivativeHighSweThreshold_;
1019 Scalar pcnwDerivativeHighSweEnd_;
1021 Spline<Scalar> pcgwSpline_;
1022 Spline<Scalar> pcnwSpline_;
1023 Spline<Scalar> pcgnSpline_;
1024 Spline<Scalar> krwSpline_;
1025 Spline<Scalar> krnSpline_;
1027 Scalar swr_, sgr_;
1029 bool constRegularization_;
1031 const BaseLawParams* baseLawParamsPtr_;
1032 };
1034 /*!
1035 * \ingroup Fluidmatrixinteractions
1036 * \brief Parker van Genuchten material law
1037 */
1038 template<class ScalarType,
1039 class BaseLaw,
1040 class Regularization = NoRegularization,
1041 class EffToAbsPolicy = ParkerVanGenuchten3PEffToAbsPolicy>
1042 class ParkerVanGenuchtenMaterialLaw : public Adapter<ParkerVanGenuchtenMaterialLaw<ScalarType, BaseLaw, Regularization, EffToAbsPolicy>, ThreePhasePcKrSw>
1043 {
1044 public:
1046 using Scalar = ScalarType;
1048 using BasicParams = typename BaseLaw::template Params<Scalar>;
1049 using EffToAbsParams = typename EffToAbsPolicy::template Params<Scalar>;
1050 using RegularizationParams = typename Regularization::template Params<Scalar>;
1052 using EffToAbs = EffToAbsPolicy;
1054 /*!
1055 * \brief Return whether this law is regularized
1056 */
1057 static constexpr bool isRegularized()
1058 { return !std::is_same<Regularization, NoRegularization>::value; }
1060 /*!
1061 * \brief Deleted default constructor (so we are never in an undefined state)
1062 * \note store owning pointers to laws instead if you need default-constructible objects
1063 */
1064 ParkerVanGenuchtenMaterialLaw() = delete;
1066 /*!
1067 * \brief Construct from a subgroup from the global parameter tree
1068 * \note This will give you nice error messages if a mandatory parameter is missing
1069 */
1070 17 explicit ParkerVanGenuchtenMaterialLaw(const std::string& paramGroup)
1071 34 : basicParams_(makeBasicParams(paramGroup))
1072 17 , effToAbsParams_(makeEffToAbsParams(paramGroup))
1073 {
1074 if constexpr (isRegularized())
1075 17 regularization_.init(this, paramGroup);
1076 17 }
1078 /*!
1079 * \brief Construct from parameter structs
1080 * \note More efficient constructor but you need to ensure all parameters are initialized
1081 */
1082 ParkerVanGenuchtenMaterialLaw(const BasicParams& baseParams,
1083 const EffToAbsParams& effToAbsParams = {},
1084 const RegularizationParams& regParams = {})
1085 : basicParams_(baseParams)
1086 , effToAbsParams_(effToAbsParams)
1087 {
1088 if constexpr (isRegularized())
1089 regularization_.init(this, baseParams, effToAbsParams, regParams);
1090 }
1092 /*!
1093 * \brief The capillary pressure-saturation curve for the gas and wetting phase
1094 */
1095 template<bool enableRegularization = isRegularized()>
1096 Scalar pcgw(const Scalar sw, const Scalar /*dummySn*/) const
1097 {
1098 102 const auto swe = EffToAbs::swToSwe(sw, effToAbsParams_);
1099 if constexpr (enableRegularization)
1100 {
1101 const auto regularized = regularization_.pcgw(swe);
1102 if (regularized)
1103 return regularized.value();
1104 }
1106 51 return BaseLaw::pcgw(swe, basicParams_);
1107 }
1109 /*!
1110 * \brief The capillary pressure-saturation curve for the nonwetting and wetting phase
1111 */
1112 template<bool enableRegularization = isRegularized()>
1113 Scalar pcnw(const Scalar sw, const Scalar /*dummySn*/) const
1114 {
1115 102 const auto swe = EffToAbs::swToSwe(sw, effToAbsParams_);
1116 if constexpr (enableRegularization)
1117 {
1118 const auto regularized = regularization_.pcnw(swe);
1119 if (regularized)
1120 return regularized.value();
1121 }
1123 17 return BaseLaw::pcnw(swe, basicParams_);
1124 }
1126 /*!
1127 * \brief The capillary pressure-saturation curve for the gas and nonwetting phase
1128 * \param sw Wetting saturation
1129 * \param sn Nonwetting saturation
1130 */
1131 template<bool enableRegularization = isRegularized()>
1132 9494993 Scalar pcgn(const Scalar sw, const Scalar sn) const
1133 {
1134 18990088 const auto swe = EffToAbs::swToSwe(sw + sn, effToAbsParams_);
1135 if constexpr (enableRegularization)
1136 {
1137 9494993 const auto regularized = regularization_.pcgn(swe);
✓ Branch 0 taken 1332506 times.
✓ Branch 1 taken 8162487 times.
9494993 if (regularized)
1139 return regularized.value();
1140 }
1142 1332523 return BaseLaw::pcgn(swe, basicParams_);
1143 }
1145 /*!
1146 * \brief This function ensures a continuous transition from 2 to 3 phases and vice versa
1147 */
1148 template<bool enableRegularization = isRegularized()>
1149 Scalar pcAlpha(const Scalar /*dummySw*/, const Scalar sn) const
1150 {
1151 9494993 const auto sne = EffToAbs::snToSne(sn, effToAbsParams_);
1152 if constexpr (enableRegularization)
1153 {
1154 18989986 const auto regularized = regularization_.pcAlpha(sne);
✗ Branch 0 not taken.
✗ Branch 1 not taken.
✗ Branch 2 not taken.
✗ Branch 3 not taken.
✓ Branch 4 taken 4607687 times.
✓ Branch 5 taken 4887306 times.
9494993 if (regularized)
1156 return regularized.value();
1157 }
✗ Branch 0 not taken.
✗ Branch 1 not taken.
✗ Branch 2 not taken.
✗ Branch 3 not taken.
✓ Branch 4 taken 4607687 times.
✓ Branch 5 taken 4887306 times.
✓ Branch 6 taken 383 times.
✓ Branch 7 taken 3854565 times.
18989986 return BaseLaw::pcAlpha(sne, basicParams_);
1159 }
1161 /*!
1162 * \brief The partial derivative of the capillary pressure w.r.t. the saturation
1163 */
1164 template<bool enableRegularization = isRegularized()>
1165 Scalar dpcgw_dsw(const Scalar sw, const Scalar /*dummyS*/) const
1166 {
1167 68 const auto swe = EffToAbs::swToSwe(sw, effToAbsParams_);
1168 if constexpr (enableRegularization)
1169 {
1170 const auto regularized = regularization_.dpcgw_dswe(swe);
1171 if (regularized)
1172 return regularized.value()*EffToAbs::dswe_dsw(effToAbsParams_);
1173 }
1175 17 return BaseLaw::dpcgw_dswe(swe, basicParams_)*EffToAbs::dswe_dsw(effToAbsParams_);
1176 }
1178 /*!
1179 * \brief The partial derivative of the capillary pressure w.r.t. the saturation
1180 */
1181 template<bool enableRegularization = isRegularized()>
1182 Scalar dpcnw_dsw(const Scalar sw, const Scalar /*dummySw*/) const
1183 {
1184 68 const auto swe = EffToAbs::swToSwe(sw, effToAbsParams_);
1185 if constexpr (enableRegularization)
1186 {
1187 const auto regularized = regularization_.dpcnw_dswe(swe);
1188 if (regularized)
1189 return regularized.value()*EffToAbs::dswe_dsw(effToAbsParams_);
1190 }
1192 17 return BaseLaw::dpcnw_dswe(swe, basicParams_)*EffToAbs::dswe_dsw(effToAbsParams_);
1193 }
1195 /*!
1196 * \brief The partial derivative of the capillary pressure w.r.t. the saturation
1197 */
1198 template<bool enableRegularization = isRegularized()>
1199 Scalar dpcgn_dst(const Scalar st, const Scalar /*dummySw*/) const
1200 {
1201 68 const auto ste = EffToAbs::stToSte(st, effToAbsParams_);
1202 if constexpr (enableRegularization)
1203 {
1204 const auto regularized = regularization_.dpcgn_dste(ste);
1205 if (regularized)
1206 return regularized.value()*EffToAbs::dswte_dst(effToAbsParams_);
1207 }
1209 17 return BaseLaw::dpcgn_dste(ste, basicParams_)*EffToAbs::dste_dst(effToAbsParams_);
1210 }
1212 /*!
1213 * \brief The relative permeability for the wetting phase
1214 * \param sw Wetting saturation
1215 * \param sn Nonwetting saturation
1216 */
1217 template<bool enableRegularization = isRegularized()>
1218 Scalar krw(const Scalar sw, const Scalar sn) const
1219 {
1220 const auto swe = EffToAbs::swToSwe(sw, effToAbsParams_);
1221 if constexpr (enableRegularization)
1222 {
1223 const auto regularized = regularization_.krw(swe);
1224 if (regularized)
1225 return regularized.value();
1226 }
1228 return BaseLaw::krw(swe, basicParams_);
1229 }
1231 /*!
1232 * \brief The relative permeability for the nonwetting phase
1233 * \param sw Wetting saturation
1234 * \param sn Nonwetting saturation
1235 */
1236 template<bool enableRegularization = isRegularized()>
1237 9496991 Scalar krn(const Scalar sw, const Scalar sn) const
1238 {
1239 18993982 const auto swe = EffToAbs::swToSwe(sw, effToAbsParams_);
1240 18993982 const auto ste = EffToAbs::stToSte(sw + sn, effToAbsParams_);
1241 if constexpr (enableRegularization)
1242 {
1243 9496991 const auto regularized = regularization_.krn(swe, sn, ste);
✗ Branch 0 not taken.
✓ Branch 1 taken 9496991 times.
9496991 if (regularized)
1245 return regularized.value();
1246 }
1248 return BaseLaw::krn(swe, sn, ste, basicParams_);
1249 }
1251 /*!
1252 * \brief The relative permeability for the nonwetting phase
1253 * \param sw Wetting saturation
1254 * \param sn Nonwetting saturation
1255 */
1256 template<bool enableRegularization = isRegularized()>
1257 9496991 Scalar krg(const Scalar sw, const Scalar sn) const
1258 {
1259 18993982 const auto ste = EffToAbs::stToSte(sw + sn, effToAbsParams_);
1260 if constexpr (enableRegularization)
1261 {
1262 9496991 const auto regularized = regularization_.krg(ste);
✓ Branch 0 taken 1117928 times.
✓ Branch 1 taken 8379063 times.
9496991 if (regularized)
1264 return regularized.value();
1265 }
1267 1117928 return BaseLaw::krg(ste, basicParams_);
1268 }
1270 /*!
1271 * \brief The relative permeability for the nonwetting phase
1272 * \param phaseIdx Indicator, The saturation of all phases.
1273 * \param sw Wetting saturation
1274 * \param sn Nonwetting saturation
1275 */
1276 template<bool enableRegularization = isRegularized()>
1277 28484973 Scalar kr(const int phaseIdx, const Scalar sw, const Scalar sn) const
1278 {
✓ Branch 0 taken 9494991 times.
✓ Branch 1 taken 9494991 times.
✓ Branch 2 taken 9494991 times.
✗ Branch 3 not taken.
28484973 switch (phaseIdx)
1280 {
1281 9494991 case 0:
1282 9494991 return krw(sw, sn);
1283 9494991 case 1:
1284 9494991 return krn(sw, sn);
1285 9494991 case 2:
1286 9494991 return krg(sw, sn);
1287 }
1288 DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException,
1289 "Invalid phase index ");
1290 }
1292 /*!
1293 * \brief The derivative of the relative permeability for the nonwetting phase w.r.t. saturation
1294 * \param st Total (wetting + nonwetting) saturation
1295 */
1296 template<bool enableRegularization = isRegularized()>
1297 Scalar dkrg_dst(const Scalar st) const
1298 {
1299 const auto ste = EffToAbs::stToSte(st, effToAbsParams_);
1300 if constexpr (enableRegularization)
1301 {
1302 const auto regularized = regularization_.dkrg_dste(ste);
1303 if (regularized)
1304 return regularized.value()*EffToAbs::dste_dst(effToAbsParams_);
1305 }
1307 return BaseLaw::dkrg_dste(ste, basicParams_)*EffToAbs::dste_dst(effToAbsParams_);
1308 }
1310 /*!
1311 * \brief Equality comparison with another instance
1312 */
1313 bool operator== (const ParkerVanGenuchtenMaterialLaw& o) const
1314 {
1315 return basicParams_ == o.basicParams_
1316 && effToAbsParams_ == o.effToAbsParams_
1317 && regularization_ == o.regularization_;
1318 }
1320 /*!
1321 * \brief Create the base law's parameters using
1322 * input file parameters
1323 */
1324 static BasicParams makeBasicParams(const std::string& paramGroup)
1325 {
1326 17 return BaseLaw::template makeParams<Scalar>(paramGroup);
1327 }
1329 /*!
1330 * \brief Return the base law's parameters
1331 */
1332 const BasicParams& basicParams() const
1333 17 { return basicParams_; }
1335 /*!
1336 * \brief Create the parameters of the EffToAbs policy using
1337 * input file parameters
1338 */
1339 static EffToAbsParams makeEffToAbsParams(const std::string& paramGroup)
1340 {
1341 17 return EffToAbs::template makeParams<Scalar>(paramGroup);
1342 }
1344 /*!
1345 * \brief Return the parameters of the EffToAbs policy
1346 */
1347 const EffToAbsParams& effToAbsParams() const
1348 17 { return effToAbsParams_; }
1350 private:
1351 BasicParams basicParams_;
1352 EffToAbsParams effToAbsParams_;
1353 Regularization regularization_;
1354 };
1356 /*!
1357 * \ingroup Fluidmatrixinteractions
1358 * \brief A configuration for using the ParkerVanGenuchten material law without regularization
1359 */
1360 template<class Scalar>
1361 using ParkerVanGenuchten3PNoReg = ParkerVanGenuchtenMaterialLaw<Scalar, ParkerVanGenuchten3P, NoRegularization, ParkerVanGenuchten3PEffToAbsPolicy>;
1363 /*!
1364 * \ingroup Fluidmatrixinteractions
1365 * \brief A default configuration for using the ParkerVanGenuchten material law
1366 */
1367 template<class Scalar>
1368 using ParkerVanGenuchten3PDefault = ParkerVanGenuchtenMaterialLaw<Scalar, ParkerVanGenuchten3P, ParkerVanGenuchten3PRegularization<Scalar>, ParkerVanGenuchten3PEffToAbsPolicy>;
1370 } // end namespace Dumux::FluidMatrix
1372 #endif