GCC Code Coverage Report

Directory: ../../../builds/dumux-repositories/
File: /builds/dumux-repositories/dumux/dumux/material/fluidmatrixinteractions/2p/smoothedlinearlaw.hh
Date: 2024-05-04 19:09:25
Exec Total Coverage
Lines: 29 36 80.6%
Functions: 4 8 50.0%
Branches: 8 8 100.0%

Line Branch Exec Source
1 // -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
2 // vi: set et ts=4 sw=4 sts=4:
3 //
4 // SPDX-FileCopyrightInfo: Copyright © DuMux Project contributors, see AUTHORS.md in root folder
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
6 //
7 /*!
8 * \file
9 * \ingroup Fluidmatrixinteractions
10 * \brief Implementation of the capillary pressure / relPerm <-> saturation relation
11 * using a linear relation smoothed at the upper and lower bounds for kr.
12 */
17 #include <cmath>
18 #include <algorithm>
20 #include <dumux/common/parameters.hh>
21 #include <dumux/common/spline.hh>
22 #include <dumux/material/fluidmatrixinteractions/2p/efftoabsdefaultpolicy.hh>
23 #include <dumux/material/fluidmatrixinteractions/fluidmatrixinteraction.hh>
25 namespace Dumux::FluidMatrix {
27 /*!
28 * \ingroup Fluidmatrixinteractions
29 * \brief Implements a linear saturation-capillary pressure relation
30 *
31 * The entry pressure is reached at \f$\mathrm{\overline{S}_w = 1}\f$, the maximum
32 * capillary pressure is observed at \f$\mathrm{\overline{S}_w = 0}\f$.
33 *
34 * The relative permeabilities are 0 or 1 outside of the range of effective saturation.
35 * However, the transition between the linearly changing and the constant part is not smooth but with a kink.
36 * The Newton scheme does not like that. Therefore a smooth transition is accomplished by interpolating these
37 * regions with a spline.
38 *
39 * An example of the regularization of the relative permeability is shown below:
40 * \image html regularizedLinearKr.png
41 */
42 template<class ScalarType, class EffToAbsPolicy = TwoPEffToAbsDefaultPolicy>
43 class SmoothedLinearLaw : public Adapter<SmoothedLinearLaw<ScalarType, EffToAbsPolicy>, PcKrSw>
44 {
46 public:
47 using Scalar = ScalarType;
48 using EffToAbsParams = typename EffToAbsPolicy::template Params<Scalar>;
49 using EffToAbs = EffToAbsPolicy;
51 /*!
52 * \brief Return whether this law is regularized
53 */
54 static constexpr bool isRegularized()
55 { return false; }
57 /*!
58 * \brief Return the number of fluid phases
59 */
60 static constexpr int numFluidPhases()
61 { return 2; }
63 /*!
64 * \brief The parameter type
65 * \tparam Scalar The scalar type
66 */
67 struct Params
68 {
69 2 Params(Scalar pe, Scalar pcMax, Scalar krLowS, Scalar krHighS)
70 2 : pe_(pe), pcMax_(pcMax), krLowS_(krLowS), krHighS_(krHighS)
71 {}
73 Scalar pe() const { return pe_; }
74 void setPe(Scalar pe) { pe_ = pe; }
76 Scalar pcMax() const { return pcMax_; }
77 void setPcMax(Scalar pcMax) { pcMax_ = pcMax; }
79 Scalar krLowS() const { return krLowS_; }
80 void setKrLowS(Scalar krLowS) { krLowS_ = krLowS; }
82 Scalar krHighS() const { return krHighS_; }
83 void setKrHighS(Scalar krHighS) { krHighS_ = krHighS; }
85 bool operator== (const Params& p) const
86 {
87 return Dune::FloatCmp::eq(pe(), p.pe(), 1e-6)
88 && Dune::FloatCmp::eq(pcMax(), p.pcMax(), 1e-6)
89 && Dune::FloatCmp::eq(krLowS(), p.krLowS(), 1e-6)
90 && Dune::FloatCmp::eq(krHighS(), p.krHighS(), 1e-6);
91 }
93 private:
94 Scalar pe_, pcMax_, krLowS_, krHighS_;
95 };
97 /*!
98 * \brief Deleted default constructor (so we are never in an undefined state)
99 * \note store owning pointers to laws instead if you need default-constructible objects
100 */
101 SmoothedLinearLaw() = delete;
103 /*!
104 * \brief Construct from a subgroup from the global parameter tree
105 * \note This will give you nice error messages if a mandatory parameter is missing
106 */
107 2 explicit SmoothedLinearLaw(const std::string& paramGroup)
108 2 : SmoothedLinearLaw(makeParams(paramGroup), EffToAbs::template makeParams<Scalar>(paramGroup))
109 2 {}
111 /*!
112 * \brief Construct from parameter structs
113 * \note More efficient constructor but you need to ensure all parameters are initialized
114 */
115 2 SmoothedLinearLaw(const Params& params,
116 const EffToAbsParams& effToAbsParams = {})
117 : params_(params)
118 , effToAbsParams_(effToAbsParams)
119 2 , splineM_((1.0 - ((1.0 - params_.krHighS()) + params_.krLowS())/2.0 )
120 2 / (1.0 - (1.0 - params_.krHighS()) - params_.krLowS()))
121 , splineLowS_(0.0, params_.krLowS(), // x1, x2
122 2 0.0, params_.krLowS()/2.0, // y1, y2
123 0.0, splineM_) // m1, m2
124 , splineHighS_(params_.krHighS(), 1.0, // x1, x2
125 2 1.0 - (1.0 - params_.krHighS())/2.0, 1.0, // y1, y2
126 2 splineM_, 0.0) // m1, m2
127 2 {}
129 /*!
130 * \brief Construct from a subgroup from the global parameter tree
131 * \note This will give you nice error messages if a mandatory parameter is missing
132 */
133 2 static Params makeParams(const std::string& paramGroup)
134 {
135 2 const auto pe = getParamFromGroup<Scalar>(paramGroup, "SmoothedLinearLawPe");
136 2 const auto pcMax = getParamFromGroup<Scalar>(paramGroup, "SmoothedLinearLawPcMax");
137 2 const auto krLowS = getParamFromGroup<Scalar>(paramGroup, "SmoothedLinearLawKrLowS");
138 2 const auto krHighS = getParamFromGroup<Scalar>(paramGroup, "SmoothedLinearLawKrHighS");
139 4 return {pe, pcMax, krLowS, krHighS};
140 }
142 /*!
143 * \brief The capillary pressure-saturation curve
144 */
145 Scalar pc(Scalar swe) const
146 {
147 586991 return (1.0 - swe)*(params_.pcMax() - params_.pe()) + params_.pe();
148 }
150 /*!
151 * \brief The inverse saturation-capillary pressure curve
152 */
153 Scalar swe(Scalar pc) const
154 {
155 return 1.0 - (pc - params_.pe())/(params_.pcMax() - params_.pe());
156 }
158 /*!
159 * \brief The capillary pressure at Swe = 1.0 also called end point capillary pressure
160 */
161 Scalar endPointPc() const
162 { return params_.pe(); }
164 /*!
165 * \brief The partial derivative of the capillary pressure w.r.t. the effective saturation
166 */
167 Scalar dpc_dswe(Scalar swe) const
168 {
169 return params_.pe() - params_.pcMax();
170 }
172 /*!
173 * \brief The partial derivative of the effective saturation w.r.t. the capillary pressure
174 */
175 Scalar dswe_dpc(Scalar pc) const
176 {
177 return 1.0/(params_.pe() - params_.pcMax());
178 }
180 /*!
181 * \brief The relative permeability for the wetting phase.
182 */
183 Scalar krw(Scalar swe) const
184 {
185 return relperm_(swe);
186 }
188 /*!
189 * \brief The relative permeability for the non-wetting phase.
190 */
191 Scalar krn(Scalar swe) const
192 {
193 Scalar sne = 1.0 - swe;
194 return relperm_(sne);
195 }
197 /*!
198 * \brief Equality comparison with another instance
199 */
200 bool operator== (const SmoothedLinearLaw<Scalar, EffToAbs>& o) const
201 {
202 return params_ == o.params_
203 && effToAbsParams_ == o.effToAbsParams_;
204 }
206 const EffToAbsParams& effToAbsParams() const
207 { return effToAbsParams_; }
209 private:
211 1170096 Scalar relperm_(Scalar S) const
212 {
213 1170096 const Scalar lowS = params_.krLowS();
214 1170096 const Scalar highS = params_.krHighS();
216 // check whether the saturation is unpyhsical
✓ Branch 0 taken 677178 times.
✓ Branch 1 taken 492918 times.
1170096 if (S >= 1.0)
218 return 1.0;
✓ Branch 0 taken 184276 times.
✓ Branch 1 taken 492902 times.
677178 else if (S <= 0.0)
220 return 0;
221 // check whether the permeability needs to be regularized
✓ Branch 0 taken 87422 times.
✓ Branch 1 taken 96854 times.
184276 else if (S < lowS)
223 87422 return splineLowS_.eval(S);
✓ Branch 0 taken 87406 times.
✓ Branch 1 taken 9448 times.
96854 else if (S > highS)
225 87406 return splineHighS_.eval(S);
227 // straight line for S \in [lowS, highS]
228 9448 return lowS/2.0 + splineM_*(S - lowS);
229 }
231 Params params_;
232 EffToAbsParams effToAbsParams_;
233 Scalar splineM_;
234 Dumux::Spline<Scalar> splineLowS_;
235 Dumux::Spline<Scalar> splineHighS_;
236 };
237 } // end namespace Dumux::FluidMatrix
239 #endif