Example: Analytical function **************************** This example shows a surrogate-assisted Bayesian calibration of a time dependent analytical function. A detailed explanation of this example is provided in the :any:`tutorial`. Model and Data ============== .. list-table:: Pylink model :widths: 30 30 :header-rows: 1 * - Property - Setting * - Model type - Function * - Number of input parameters - Set to either 2 or 10 * - Number of output parameters - 1 * - Time- or space- dependency - Time-dependent output, 10 steps in time * - MC reference - Yes .. list-table:: Priors :widths: 30 30 :header-rows: 1 * - Parameter - Distribution * - 0-10 - Uniform in (-5,5) .. list-table:: Discrepancy :widths: 30 30 :header-rows: 1 * - Property - Setting * - Distribution type - Gaussian * - Characteristic value - variance: data^2 Surrogate ========= .. list-table:: MetaModel settings :widths: 30 30 :header-rows: 1 * - Property - Setting * - surrogate-type - aPCE * - associated model - 'analytical function' * - degree choices - max degree 12, q-norm truncation 0.85 or 0.5 depending on number of inputs * - regression - FastARD with bootstrapping .. list-table:: Training choices :widths: 30 30 :header-rows: 1 * - Property - Setting * - Static sampling method - latin-hypercube * - Number of static samples - 3*#inputparams * - Number of total samples - 150 * - Number of samples per AL iteration - 1 * - AL tradeoff scheme - None * - AL exploration method - random, n_candidates=1000, n_cand_groups=4 * - AL exploitation method - Bayesian Active Design (BAL) with DKL