.. bayesvalidrox documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Wed Dec 13 11:14:59 2023. Surrogate-assisted Bayesian validation of computational models ============================================================== **BayesValidRox** is an open-source python package that provides methods for surrogate modeling, Bayesian inference and model comparison. .. image:: ./diagrams/balance.png :width: 600 :alt: Weighting model results against data with associated uncertainty, costs and sparsity An introductory tutorial to the overall workflow with **bayesvalidrox** is provided in :any:`tutorial` and descriptions of the available examples can be found in :any:`examples`. The functionality and options for the different classes is described more in-depth in :any:`packagedescription` and a list of all the classes and functions is provided in :any:`api`. Links ----- * GitHub: https://git.iws.uni-stuttgart.de/inversemodeling/bayesvalidrox/-/tree/master?ref_type=heads * PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/bayesvalidrox/ * Documentation: Installation ------------ This package runs under Python 3.9 for versions <1.0.0 and 3.9+ from version 1.0.0 on, use pip to install: .. code-block:: bash pip install bayesvalidrox Quickstart ---------- Here we show a minimal example to get started on working with BayesValidRox. The :any:`packagedescription` goes into more detail on the available options and proposed workflow. The central functionalities of BayesValidRox all depend on building an object of class ``Engine`` that includes an interface to a model and a definition of an input space and sampling option in the form of an ``ExpDesigns`` object. It can contain and build a surrogate model of class ``MetaModel``, but also functions without one. We import the needed classes in our main file ``main.py``. >>> from bayesvalidrox import PyLinkForwardModel, InputSpace, ExpDesigns, Engine, PCE Here we use a simple linear model. This is defined in another python file in the same folder, here we call it ``model.py``. This file contains a python function that expects samples of two parameter and returns a linear combination of them. For a detailed description of the expected output format see :any:`model_description`. >>> def model(samples): >>> return {'Z':samples[:,0]+2*samples[:,1], 'x_values':[0]} With this we can create the interface to the model in ``main.py``. >>> model = PyLinkForwardModel(name='linear model', link_type='Function', >>> py_file='model', output_names=['Z']) We specify marginal distributions on the inputs in an object of class ``InputSpace`` and use this to build the experimental design. >>> inputs = InputSpace() >>> inputs.add_marginals(name='input0', dist_type='unif', parameters=[0,1]) >>> inputs.add_marginals(name='input1', dist_type='unif', parameters=[0,1]) >>> >>> exp_design = ExpDesigns(inputs, sampling_method='random') If we do not want to build a surrogate model, we can define the engine from these objects. >>> engine = Engine(None, model, exp_design) If we want to build a surrogate model, we create and object of a class that inherits from ``MetaModel`` and set its properties. Here we build an arbitrary Polynomial Chaos Expansion using the class ``PCE`` and train it on 10 samples given by the experimental design and the model. >>> meta_model = PCE(inputs, meta_model_type ='aPCE', pce_reg_method ='FastARD', >>> pce_deg = 3, pce_q_norm = 0.85) >>> exp_design.n_init_samples = 10 >>> >>> engine = Engine(meta_model, model, exp_design) >>> engine.train_normal() The engine with the trained metamodel can now be used for postprocessing, Bayesian inference, of Bayesian model comparison. License ------- BayesValidRox is licensed under the MIT license_. .. _license: https://git.iws.uni-stuttgart.de/inversemodeling/bayesvalidrox/-/blob/master/LICENCE.md Contribution ------------ We would be happy for you to contribute to **BayesValidRox**. This can include e.g. reporting issues, proposing new features, working on features, or support with the documentation. If you want to contibute, check out our contribution_ guidelines. You can contact us on the gitlab_ page. .. _gitlab: https://git.iws.uni-stuttgart.de/inversemodeling/bayesvalidrox .. _contribution: https://git.iws.uni-stuttgart.de/inversemodeling/bayesvalidrox/-/blob/docs/sphinx_new/CONTRIBUTING.md?ref_type=heads Further contents ---------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 packagedescription tutorial examples api Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`